Michael Norell | Source: Universal Television
Michael Norell | Source: Universal Television

‘Emergency!’s Michael Norell, Dad & Husband, Passes Away — He Lived in Assisted Living Facility before Death

Vanessa Seifert
May 29, 2023
08:45 A.M.
  • Michael Alden Norell, also known as Captain Henry "Hank" Stanley from "Emergency!" passed away at 85.
  • He is survived by his wife of 32 years and his son and daughter.
  • The actor had a loving caretaker and friends that were gutted by his death.

Michael Alden Norell was a man of many talents, but he was famously known for his role in the show "Emergency!" where he played Captain Stanley.

After a wholesome acting career, Norell passed away on May 12, 2023, at 85. Until his demise, decades after the show ended, he was still referred to as Captain Stanley.

Norell was born in Wallace, Idaho, on October 4, 1937, but his family moved a lot due to his father's career in the army. When his father moved to Korea due to the war, the family moved to Tokyo, Japan.


Still, Norell eventually moved back to the United States and started acting in school plays at Falls Church High School. After that, he decided to go to college, where he majored in Journalism at Washington University and Lee University.

However, after graduating, Norell joined the military to follow in his father's footsteps. At the end of his 5-year military career, he retired as a captain and started to tap into his acting side.

In no time, he moved to Hollywood and landed his breakthrough role on "Emergency!" where he doubled up as a screenwriter with writing credits in four episodes. He revealed that it all started when the executive producer, Bob Cinade, called him into the writer's room and asked him to pitch his ideas.


This became the norm, and Norell remembered spending up to two hours sharing ideas on different rescue scenes and medical emergencies until Cinade found one he loved. Cinade would then tell Norell to get to work.

His writing on "Emergency!" started his new career as a screenwriter. When the show ended, he entirely changed roles and went on to write for shows like "The Love Boat," "Nash Bridges," and "NYPD Blue."

The star is survived by his wife of 32 years, Cynthia Ann Cherbak, their daughter, Chelsea Cherbak Norell, and son, James Cherbak Norell.


Besides his family, Norell had a lot of faithful friends and caretakers who shared updates about his health. The actor also gave fans of "Emergency!" a bit of information about his life.

What Were Michael Norell's Last Years of Life Like?

Norell remained a big part of the "Emergency!" series, so much so that the show's Facebook page announced when the actor went into a coma in 2016.

According to the post, the screenwriter had undergone surgery leading him into a coma when he was 79. In addition to sharing the actor's health update, the thoughtful post also asked fans to keep Norell in their prayers.


In 2020, the Los Angeles County Fire Museum shared an update from Norell's caretaker, Linda, assuring fans that Captain Stanley was doing well. Linda was the best caregiver and treated the former actor "like a king."


Norell lived in an associated living facility, but fans were urged not to contact him and give him privacy as he got through his health issues.

That same year, Norell spoke to students and fellow firefighters about his time on "Emergency!" He revealed that the show felt so authentic that the actors started to feel like real firefighters.

Although his acting felt real, Norell revealed he had never found himself in a situation where he had to rescue someone using some of the skills he learned on set. "Not once," he said. Nevertheless, he said he would have loved the opportunity to help people.


The screenwriter, who spotted gray hair and a beard, spoke very softly and, despite being in a wheelchair, seemed to maintain his undeniable sense of humor. He had people laughing throughout the conversation, with some of his audience assuring him that "Emergency!" was one of the most believable shows.

Norell fought a long battle with his health issues, but even so, his friends were still distraught by his passing. One in particular, Rick Lenz, was heartbroken and shared an emotional tribute to him.

How Did Michael Norell's Friend Honor Him?

Lenz couldn't believe the news of his friend's death. He wrote, "I can't wrap my mind around it—I mean just the fact of his not being here anymore."

The two had a close friendship that started in 1967. Lenz said they spoke to each other regularly until Norell's last day. Lenz and Norell, both actors and screenwriters, worked on multiple projects together, and their friendship was so solid that Lenz confessed:


"Except for my wife and kids, I've never been closer to anyone."

Lenz only had beautiful memories of the actor, saying Norell allowed him to be himself. "Michael was one of those rare friends you get who you can be absolutely yourself with—smart, stupid, needy, advice taker, advice giver, you name it," he expressed.

But one thing he loved about his friend was not taking himself too seriously, despite the considerable impact he had on people.


However, Norell remained humble, and as Lenz wrote in his tribute to him, he knew the actor would have probably thought he was silly -- something he will always miss about him. The two men loved and appreciated each other, but Lenz said they never expressed that to one another:

"We never said embarrassing stuff like 'I love you' to each other. That's more like me, not him. Although during the last days, I finally did say things like 'I love you, buddy.' And he would mumble back, 'I love you too.'"

Norell left a lasting impact on his close circle and fans who watched him from his time on "Emergency!" and enjoyed his writing on multiple shows. His legacy will carry on for decades to come.

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