Rich Man in Big SUV Blocks Ambulance in Traffic Unaware His Son Is inside — Story of the Day
After a bitter argument with his son, Lucas buys a brand new SUV for his son as a form of apology. On the way back from the showroom, an ambulance crashes into it, and Lucas is livid. Every second he wastes arguing with the driver could be the last second of his son's life.
"Congratulations!" Lucas told Oliver, his son, right before pulling him into a tight hug, away from Susan.
He felt proud looking at his son in the black graduation gown he had on with the cap on his head.
He was also glad for the rare chance to see Susan, his wife, who had separated from him a couple of months ago, but he chose not to show it.
Her reason for leaving was that he loved his company more than he loved her, and although Lucas didn't think so, Susan couldn't be convinced otherwise.
"Oliver, Congratulations again," Susan told her son while glaring at Lucas, who continued to hold on to him.

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"Thanks, Mum. I'm happy to be done with college."
"Yes, my son is ready for the real world. I can't wait to show you how to run the company," Lucas told Oliver the second he pulled away from him.
Oliver didn't look too pleased, and he quickly changed the topic.
"We'll talk about that later, Dad," he quickly told his father as he looked at their immediate environment.
His fellow graduates stood around them, and the last thing he wanted to do was argue with his dad in public.

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The graduation party went pretty well, and they all had fun as a family until the next day when Lucas called Oliver to talk seriously with him.
Oliver could have chosen to live with Susan, his mother, but considering the traveling nature of her work, he had decided to live with his dad instead.
The following morning went well, with Lucas giving Oliver ample time to rest throughout the day until right after they finished dinner.
Oliver dropped off his plates and was about to head to his room when he heard his father call out to him.
"Oliver. Come here for a second. I want to discuss something with you," Lucas called out to him, and Oliver immediately moved closer to where his father was to hear what he wanted to say.

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Without hesitating, Lucas began to speak.
"Now that you're done, I believe the sooner you start working at the company, the easier things will be for you," he told Oliver with a smile on his face, speaking in a conversational tone.
Lucas was cool and calm as he leaned into the sofa he sat on, but Oliver wasn't.
The second his father brought up the much-dreaded topic of him working in the company, he knew things wouldn't end well.

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"But I studied drama and filmmaking for a reason," Oliver replied, but the words had barely been out of his mouth when he watched his father's entire demeanor change.
"Yes, you wanted something more interesting to study than business, and I allowed it. All that's left is for me to teach you everything you need to know about the company."
"I don't want to learn anything about the company. I have no intention of working there," Oliver instantly replied, not seeing the need to beat around the bush.
His shoulders were a little stiff from the tension he felt at the cold silence that filled the air the second he spoke without mincing words.
For a few seconds after that, neither of them said a word. But when Lucas finally opened his mouth to speak, Oliver knew he was furious.

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"Oliver! Is this a joke or what? You're the future heir to the company, and you want to make a fool of yourself on TV entertaining people."
Oliver yelled, trying to get Lucas to stop talking. His words were sharp, but Lucas didn't care. His focus was solely on what he was saying as he continued speaking.
"You know I'm right. My words may seem a little harsh, but life is more brutal. You're going to wake up in twenty years and realize that you wasted your life," Lucas said, getting on his feet.
The discussion had started calmly, with him calling Oliver to sit in front of him the moment they were done with dinner, only for it to escalate into something more.

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"Dad!" Oliver called out again, with a massive frown, trying to force Lucas to stop talking and give him some space to say his piece.
His voice was a little louder than before as he tried again to get his father's attention, only to realize that his efforts were in vain as he listened to his father speak faster.
Clearly, he still had much to say, and he wanted to get everything off his chest.
"Acting is nothing but a hobby, a side passion. You should not base your entire life on it, Oliver," Lucas continued.
He had a stern look as he tried to convey the severity of his message.

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It didn't help that Oliver raised his voice instead of nodding and agreeing like he expected Oliver to do after his long speech.
"Dad, acting is my dream, and it's my life!" he yelled, making his frustration known.
"I don't want to spend the rest of my life in an office trying to run a company. I want to become an actor, and that's what I'll do."
Lucas was already shaking his head even before Oliver was done speaking, staring at his son with an incomprehensible look. He didn't consider Oliver's words to be important.
"Your dream? A dream is something you create. How many homeless actors are on the streets, barely getting by? You could live the life of a king, yet you're fighting to be a beggar?"

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Lucas couldn't understand what was going through his son's head. It didn't help that Oliver was his only son, whom he placed all his hopes on.
Staring at the stubborn face of his son, with a determined gaze in his eyes, he raised his voice, emphasizing each word that came out of his mouth.
"You will not become an actor. You will work in my company for at least a decade. After you become CEO, you can ditch the company if you want," Lucas told him.
He was convinced that there was no way Oliver would do such a thing after enjoying the perks and benefits one got from being in such a position.
"Dad, you're not going to change my mind. I'm serious about acting. I won't even work a year in your company," Oliver said. He quickly spoke to stop his father from interrupting.

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He continued, irrespective of the heavy glare his father directed his way.
"Father, I always listen to you, but not this time. On this matter, I've already made up my mind," Oliver pleaded in a soft tone he hoped would at least soften his father's heart a little.
He didn't expect his words to make the situation worse than it already was as he saw a small glass cup fly past his head and smash into the wall behind him.
It hadn't been close to him, but he knew the cup was only a precursor to his father throwing whatever else he could pick in the sitting room.
Lucas was a rich man and the owner of a million-dollar company who cared a lot about money. He was also old-fashioned and only happy when things went exactly the way he wanted.

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Oliver understood his father well enough to know that his grabbing and tossing of the cup signaled the argument getting out of hand.
If he continued to stay there, then it meant that he would have to participate in a shouting match, one he wanted to avoid.
"Oliver, you're my son, and you'll do exactly as I tell you!" Lucas raved, his spittle flying in different directions as he spoke to Oliver, who began moving in the direction of the door.
"Where do you think you're going while I'm talking to you?" Lucas shouted, his voice blasting across the house as Oliver continued marching towards the door.
"Dad, we'll talk later when you're much calmer," Oliver softly replied. It was late in the night and carrying no luggage but the phone in his hand, Oliver intended to leave.

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He figured he'd stay with his friend for a few days before returning. Preferably after his dad's temper might have cooled a little.
But watching Oliver ignore him and continue walking towards the door made Lucas feel he was tiptoeing on the edge of madness.
Furious, he opened his mouth, shouting at him in a loud voice that echoed through the whole house.
"If you walk out that door, don't bother coming back. You've made it clear that you won't listen to me, then I don't care what happens to you!"
He said it in the spur of the moment; little did he know that they were words he would forever regret as he watched Oliver walk out the door.

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His father's words didn't deter him from walking towards the front door. They had had huge arguments many times before, and the one they had wasn't different.
Lucas, his father, would yell at him, and Oliver would leave and return days later when he was much calmer.
He should stop yelling so much; it's bad for his heart, Oliver thought as he walked straight toward the front door.
"I'll be back, Dad," Oliver waved as he walked out, closing the door gently behind him.
"DON'T BOTHER COMING BACK! I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Lucas yelled, glaring at the front door his son had just walked out of.

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He was so furious that he was tempted to follow and yell at him even more before he decided not to go and settled back into the sofa he had been sitting on.
What kind of son do I have? Lucas thought, wondering why his luck was so bad. He couldn't imagine anyone refusing an offer like that handed to them on a silver platter.
Yet, his son didn't even bat an eye when he refused.
"Of all things, an actor. He wants to be an actor," Lucas mumbled under his breath, getting more irritated the longer he thought of it.
The night passed in a blur, and the following day, when Lucas woke up, instead of trying to reach out to Oliver, he went to work as usual.

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He instantly assumed that Oliver had gone to his friend Jack's or Susan's place and expected him to return in a few days.
His day went well, but when Oliver failed to return home that night, Lucas began thinking of ways to bridge the rift between them.
He realized what he said at the end might have been too much and decided to make up for it the best way he knew.
The next day, Lucas drove to a car dealer's shop instead of going to work. It was the most expensive one in town.
His only goal was to buy a brand new car for his son, one that looked good enough for Oliver to put their fight behind him.

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Lucas still intended on having Oliver work at his company, but there was no way for him to convince him if they weren't even talking.
Early in the morning, he drove there, and he had barely gotten out of his car when someone walked over to welcome him.
"Good morning, Sir. My name is Gina, and I'd be happy to show you around," Gina greeted Lucas, who took one look at her before looking away at the car store.
It was enormous, and every part of it seemed expensive, just the way he liked it.
"Sir, I can help you with whatever you need and more. All you have to do is ask for it," Gina, the attendant who appeared beside him, spoke again.

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Instead of responding to her, Lucas nodded and continued walking into the store.
He wasn't blind and had noticed the flirty look the woman was giving him, and on his part, he did his best to flash his wedding ring in her face as many times as he could.
He had just entered through the main doors when two more attendants walked over to him to offer their services, irrespective of the presence of Gina, the female attendant beside him.
"Good morning, Sir. My name is Phillip; I'll be happy to help."
"You can call me John. I can assure you no one here knows more about cars than I do," another said.

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Lucas, just like before, paid little attention to any of them and focused more on looking around.
The cars there were in their hundreds, and it quickly became apparent that he would need help picking the one he wanted.
He didn't know the exact car his son would like but decided that the more expensive it was, the better.
He turned around and looked at all the three attendants that swarmed around him like flies, deciding on the one he wanted to pick in a split second.
"Gina, you'll show me around," he announced, to the slight disappointment of the other two as they tried to keep professional expressions on their faces.

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The others seemed more professional than her, but one thing he noticed was how expensive the gold she had on her was.
He figured that with her love for expensive and quality things, there was no way she would lead him astray.
It didn't take long for him to tell her the car specifications he wanted and for her to lead him there.
Lucas looked at the car and instantly fell in love with it. He loved it even more when he heard the slightly outrageous price it would cost him.
After all, buying the car was merely an attempt to get Oliver to love the finest things money could buy.

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Once he gets addicted to it, there's no way he would want to struggle for years as a penniless actor, Lucas thought to himself as he followed Gina to pay.
"Are you sure this is the most expensive brand you have?" Lucas confirmed just before he had to pay.
He was paying a lot, but he felt that his efforts would be completely worth it once Oliver laid his eyes on the car.
"Yes, sir, and it's the only one of its kind we have. If we have any more, you'll be the first to know about it," Gina responded, beaming at Lucas with a predatory smile.
How much money does he have if he's ready to spend this much money in a heartbeat? She asked herself.

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Almost like he could read the exact words going through her mind, Lucas paid, got the keys for the car, and decided to leave with it instead of having it sent to his house.
His driver took his car, and he drove the new one he had just gotten for his son.
Sitting in the seats alone was enough to make him smile.
I can't wait to get one like it for myself. It's CEO-worthy, he thought to himself.
There was absolutely nothing wrong with his car, and it had been the latest car brand when he got it.

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The only difference was that now that he had tasted something new, he found it difficult to return to the former one he was used to.
The second he left the car dealer's store, he instantly headed home, where he intended to call Oliver and ask him to return.
Smiling, Lucas could already imagine the considerable shock he would see on his son's face the second Oliver saw the car.
Slowly and as carefully as he could, he drove out of the car dealer's store. The last thing he wanted to do was scratch the beautiful black paint job on the car.
Lucas drove very carefully to the main road. He looked both ways before accelerating and sometimes even twice to ensure nothing caught him by surprise.

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It was still early morning, and he wanted to return to work after dropping off the car at home and calling Oliver to look at it.
He even whistled under his breath, excited as he drove through traffic.
He wasn't too slow, nor was he driving too fast, moving out of the way for any car he so much as thought was looking for trouble.
Lucas continued doing this for a while, and all was well until he heard loud sirens behind him.
It was that of an ambulance, and without thinking too much, after checking the rearview mirror, Lucas swerved to the left, trying to give the ambulance an excellent opportunity to pass beside him.

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He was utterly horrified at what happened next.
He felt his entire body suddenly jerk forward with the car as he struggled to break quickly before he collided with the person in front of him.
The entire episode was completely unexpected, and for a few seconds, he froze from the shock of it all.
The loud crash he heard still rang heavily in his head, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized what the sound meant.
Quickly, he pushed the car door open and got out of the car, walking as fast as he could to the back of the vehicle to check just how much damage it had.

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The moment he saw it, Lucas had a strong urge to curse under his breath, one he managed to stop himself from doing before it was too late.
Even if he paid twice as much as he paid for the car, he was sure it was impossible for it to return to the same clean and beautiful state as before.
The entire back of the car was wrecked pretty severely, and Lucas knew that it only happened because the car that smashed into him looked more like a bus than a car.
It was the same ambulance he had been trying to avoid by moving to the left lane.
Infuriated beyond words, Lucas marched over to the ambulance driver, furious about the situation that had just happened.

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Larry, with his years of experience as a driver, couldn't believe he made such a driving mistake, blaming it on the terrible condition of the patient he currently carried.
He had just left an accident scene, and never before had he seen so much blood.
"I-I'm very sorry. We can talk about this once I—" Larry began explaining how quickly he needed to get to the hospital, but Lucas wasn't listening.
Speaking louder, Lucas had no issues interrupting and talking over him as he glared hatefully at him.
That car he had just gotten for his son as an apology gift was ruined, and it was akin to him taking a load of money and simply tossing it in the bin.

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"Do you know exactly what you've done? Do you know how expensive this car is?" Lucas yelled at him, ignoring the cars that passed beside them and a few that slowed down, wondering what was happening between the two vehicles.
"I just bought this car for my son, and it's completely trashed. It's a brand new car, and now it's nothing but trash!" Lucas yelled even louder, glaring at the driver, who hurried to get down.
Larry instantly bowed his head to apologize the second he exited the ambulance. At that point, all he cared about was getting out of the holdup and continuing on his way to the hospital.
"My car is ruined because of you. Do you think just because you're an ambulance, you can speed anyhow you want without consequences?" Lucas continued yelling at him.
He was beyond angry at the damage to his car. One that he knew that even insurance wouldn't be able to pay for since it was brand new.

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He regretted driving the car home for a split second when he could have ordered the store to deliver it safely.
"Sir, please. It's my fault, and I will make up for it, but right now, someone's life—"
"YOU CAN NEVER MAKE UP FOR IT!" Lucas glared at him as he responded, turning to look at his car again and realizing it was truly gone.
There was no other option but to try and get Oliver another car, no matter how pissed he was that Oliver didn't get to lay his eyes on this one before it got damaged.
"Please, Sir, you can follow behind me, but I need to get to the—" Larry explained again, only to be interrupted by the sound of an opening door.

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The back door of the ambulance suddenly swung open, and a paramedic wearing blood-stained clothes angrily got out with a frantic expression on his face.
"What's happening here? Don't you know someone's" dying in the back?" The paramedic asked, his gaze wavering between Larry and Lucas, who stood in front of the ambulance.
"I'm sorry, Fred, but I crashed into this man's car, and he won't let me go."
Fred, one of the two paramedics, instantly raised his head to look at the car Larry crashed into, and he couldn't help but cringe a little.
The crash had barely affected the ambulance, but the back of the expensive-looking car had almost been completely damaged.

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Still, Fred felt he had a job to do than to stand there and allow the patient under his care to die.
"Look, Mister, I get that your car is damaged, but right now, we need to—" he didn't finish when a loud shout echoed from the back of the ambulance, someone calling his name.
"Fred-Fred, hurry! We're losing him."
Fred instantly dashed to the back the second he heard his partner's voice, and even Lucas had a worried expression as it suddenly dawned on him that an injured person was in the ambulance.
Fred ran to the back, and Larry and Lucas weren't far behind as they ran after him to see if they could do anything to help.

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Lucas had never seen so many bloody bandages in one place. The fresh and stale scent of blood hung in the air, and he looked into the ambulance and saw Fred and Luke, another paramedic, hovering over a young man.
They worked quickly, using various equipment he didn't know the names of, and he stood on the sidelines.
He had no idea who was on the table, but as he stood at a distance, he couldn't help but pray the person survived as they did their best to revive his dropping heartbeat.
"Hey, you can—" Lucas suddenly opened his mouth to speak to the driver about permitting him to leave when something terrifying caught his eye.
A little curious to see the severely injured patient's face, he moved closer as he talked, only to freeze in shock at the sight of the lower part of the patient's face.

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"NO!" Lucas whispered in a barely discernible tone, almost as if he had mouthed the words instead of saying them.
His eyeballs widened from how frightened he was about the sight in front of him as he stepped closer than before until he could see the face of the person lying on the table.
For Lucas, everything felt like an awful dream, unable to understand how such a thing could have happened.
A few minutes before, he stood at a distance as nothing more than a passerby, only for him to suddenly feel his entire world crashing down.
"You-you," Lucas said, tightly grabbing Larry's shirt as his eyes tinged red from the sorrow in his heart, practically on the verge of tears.

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"Hurry and drive!" he urgently told Larry, who was surprised to see Lucas's sudden change.
But one look at how he stared at the young man on the table, and he instantly realized that the middle-aged man most likely knew him.
Without being told twice, he got down and closed the back doors before getting into his seat, driving off as quickly as he could to get to the hospital as soon as possible to save the young man's life.
Finally, Fred and his partner Luke managed to get the situation under control, but they didn't even dare to take their eyes off the patient for a split second, seeing how precarious the problem was.
Lucas wasn't any better; his hands trembled as he clamped his hands together, sitting and staring at the bloodied face of his son.

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Oliver, I can't believe it's you, Lucas cried, feeling a tear slide down his cheeks. He would have wiped it off if he felt the need to, but he didn't.
His son lay dying in front of him, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Worse still, he had even stopped the ambulance carrying him to the hospital and wasted the crucial time he needed to get the care he desperately needed.
The crippling guilt Lucas felt only worsened the more he thought of the last words he said to him and how none of it would have happened if he hadn't sent him out of the house.
Lucas was extremely scared that he would lose his son, and the only one he could think to call was Susan.

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With tear-filled eyes, he dug his hands into his pocket to grab his phone, beyond shocked to see the amount of missed calls on it.
Looking closely, he realized it was Susan and hurriedly called her back.
"Lucas! Lucas! I've been trying to reach you," the panic and fear in her voice was evident. From the hoarseness of her voice, he could also tell that she had been crying, and he knew why.
"I was just informed that Oliver had just been in an accident. I'm on my way to the hospital, but it will take a while," she said, and he could hear loud, frantic noises in the background that showed that she was indeed hurrying to leave.
"I'll send you the address now. I need you to drop what you're doing and go there right now!" she yelled at him, and before she could continue, Lucas quickly stopped her.

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"Susan, relax. I'm already here with him," Lucas scrambled to say.
At first, he wanted to tell her that Oliver, their son, would be fine, but how could he when he wasn't convinced that he would make it to the hospital?
His heart raced wildly in his chest, and breathing suddenly became more challenging than it usually was.
The fact that he could hear the loud beating of the machines around him and see the unstable condition of their son only made it worse.
"You're already at the hospital?"

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"No, I'm in the ambulance with him."
"Really? How-how is that possible? I was only informed a few minutes ago."
"I'll explain everything to you later, Susan. I'll wait for you at the hospital," he quickly said before hanging up.
How can I explain to you that the reason why our son might die is because of me? Lucas thought, feeling the heavy weight of the guilt he carried.
"It's my fault! It's all my fault," Lucas mumbled under his breath, his gaze fixed on his son as he wished and prayed to take his place if that was what it took for Oliver to survive.

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Fred, who stood beside the patient, knew exactly what was going on, and he even understood why Lucas, who had joined them midway through the journey, kept muttering those words under his breath.
What a nasty coincidence! Fred thought as he looked at Luke, who had the exact pitiful expression.
At least, this way, he might get a chance to say goodbye to his son, Luke thought as he quietly watched the injured person before him.
He hoped that he survived like the others before him and at least made it to the hospital, where the responsibility for his death would no longer be on his shoulders.
The short ride to the hospital was filled with anxiety as both Fred and Luke worried that the bleeding patient might not make it, irrespective of the care he was given.

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Still, the most anxious person was Lucas, who stared intently at the monitor that showed the state of his son's heart, silently pleading for it to keep beeping.
If you survive, I promise I'll let you do whatever you want to do with your life. Even if you're going to ruin your life, Lucas swore to himself, I won't stop you.
Lucas only took a little breath of relief when the ambulance finally stopped, and Fred and Luke hurriedly prepared to wheel the person under their care out of the car.
Outside doctors and nurses were already waiting, and as soon as they got down, Lucas was ready to pay any amount of money or even build and donate a new hospital to ensure the survival of his son.
Oliver was wheeled in, and right beside him was Lucas, who seemed intent on following him right into the surgery room if he could.

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He could only wait outside by the door, watching them wheel his son inside.
At that exact moment, Lucas realized that regardless of all the money he had in the world, he was utterly powerless to help his son and could do nothing.
Oliver's injuries weren't minor, and as hard as it was to think about it, there was every possibility that he wouldn't survive.
Lucas settled in the waiting room outside, and soon, Susan joined him.
The second he spotted her, he got on his feet to greet her, and the last thing he expected was to feel a hard slap against his cheeks.

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Tears were streaming down her face as she glared at him, and Lucas didn't even have to ask her why she slapped him when he felt like he deserved it.
The time he spent delaying the ambulance wasn't negligible, and for all he knew, he probably wasted all the time Oliver had left.
"I'm sorry. It's all my fault," Lucas told her on the verge of tears.
Even when Susan raised her hand to hit him again, he didn't think to avoid it as he stood still, waiting for the punishment he felt he deserved.
But at the very last second, Susan lowered her hand.

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The expression Lucas had on his face was enough for her to see just how much he was mentally beating himself up for the mistake he made.
Slapping him would only make him feel worse than he already did, especially since she knew how much he loved Oliver.
Instead, she moved closer and pulled into a tight hug, with both of them weeping in each other's arms and consoling themselves at the same time.
A few minutes later, when they managed to somewhat calm themselves, they sat down side by side, holding on to each other and waiting to hear the surgery results.
The hours they spent waiting felt like an eternity until, finally, the door swung open, and one of the doctors stepped out to talk to them.

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His heart pounded fearfully in his chest as his eyes scanned the tired face of the doctor, trying to read how the doctor felt even before he opened his mouth to speak.
"The surgery was difficult, and he lost a lot of blood—" the doctor began, and Lucas felt Susan's long nails dig into his arm hard enough to draw blood.
He barely registered the pain as he heard the doctor continue.
"But thankfully, he made it through. Right now, all that's left is to wait for him to wake up," The doctor said with a light and professional smile.
Lucas had never felt so happy as he hugged Susan, who hugged him just as tightly.

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Their son was alive, and there was nothing more important than that.
It took a few days for Oliver to wake up, and when he did, Lucas was sitting beside him with Susan on the other side of his bed.
"D-dad?" Oliver called out in a low tone the moment he opened his eyes.
His voice was a little hoarse, considering he hadn't used it in a while.
"M-mum?" he said the second he spotted his mother by his side.

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"Your father and I are here. You should save your strength and rest," Susan told him with a big smile, beyond relieved to see her son finally wake up.
"You should rest more. When you wake up, we'll talk about everything else," Lucas said, leaning in to gently pat his son's head.
"It's fine, even if you want to be a photographer, a painter, or become a gamer for the rest of your life. All that matters is that you're alive," Lucas whispered as he watched Oliver's eyes gently close, delighted to see him breathing easily.
Oliver's recovery was slow, but soon, he became healthy without there being any lingering disability in his body.

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Unlike before, Lucas was no longer against Oliver becoming an actor and fully supported it. He went as far as to announce and spread just how good his son was at what he did.
He used his money to heavily support him and even visited him on his projects with Susan, whom he was no longer separated from.
The incident that happened had not only brought them closer to each other but also made Lucas see just how important his family was to him.

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"Dad, now that I'm an actor, are you not worried about who will inherit your company?" Oliver asked one day as he saw off Lucas, who had an important meeting to attend.
"I still have a long life ahead of me. But who knows, one day you might get tired of being an actor and decide to take over from me," Lucas joked, waving as he walked away.
Lucas no longer cared about what profession his son decided to be in; all he truly cared about was that Oliver was happy and well.
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A beautiful girl goes on a blind date with an admirer from a dating site and mocks him over his 'ugly' appearance. Karma comes back to her like a boomerang when she sees him on the boss's chair in her new office. Here's the full story.
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