'Today' host accidentally dropped the s-word live on air, made fans jump out of their seats
The host did not realize that the mic and camera caught what she said.
According to an article published by Entertainment Daily, viewers of the Today show were shocked when Today host Savannah Guthrie recently swore on live television.
The show was cutting back from a commercial break when the incident took place. Guthrie appeared to have her eyes on the desk, reading something off a sheet of paper.
She seemed to be wrapping up her preparation for the upcoming segment when she realized that the show was back on the air.
In the heat of the moment, Guthrie blurted out the s-word and apologized for not being prepared in her upright position before the show resumed.
It looked like the 46-year-old did not immediately realize that she was on camera since she continued to be busy reading for the initial few moments.
After the awkward pause, the audio was cut off and the show abruptly cut to another advertisement.
Although it was just a matter of a few seconds, viewers of the show did not fail to catch the blunder and share their take on social media.
The people who took to social media were majorly supportive of Guthrie, acknowledging that it was not a grave mistake and that it could happen to anyone.
Comments and posts poured in for hours after the show was over, and Guthrie had no idea that her on-air mistake would be discussed by several people online.
Once she checked social media and found what the viewers of the show had to say, she seized the moment and issued an apology.
Guthrie posted a message on her social media profile apologizing for swearing on live television.
Her candid apology was directed at the viewers, but realizing that people had come to her defense, she added a note of gratitude.
Guthrie expressed her thanks to the people who had been kind and supportive of her despite her error. On a lighter note, she added that it was a good thing she did not have to wear a mic throughout the day.