Video of a Student Giving His Clothes to a Homeless Man Went Viral
A student became famous on social media after a video where he displayed absolute kindness went viral. The student was captured giving his clothes to a homeless man.

A student became famous on social media after a video where he displayed absolute kindness went viral. The student was captured giving his clothes to a homeless man.
A mini horse, which was abandoned by its mom, found love in San Diego. The miniature horse found a home with a mini-horse trainer and her three friendly French bulldogs.
Edison Mora and Laura Torres may not always be together due to COVID-19 travel regulations, but he makes sure to make a special gesture for her any time he is playing, so she knows he's thinking about her.
Giavanna Diesso, 14, was in a changing room at a clothing store in Port Jefferson, that was previously a bank vault, when her seven-year-old brother, Vincent closed the door and it locked.
A self-taught jewelry designer's latest brand has put her in the spotlight and earned her a huge amount of money. The designer's viral jewelry video got her about $7,000 in one day.
A Pennsylvania Mom died leaving her two kids after she fell during a hike. The incident, which also left her husband Paralyzed, transpired when a misplaced tree branch fell on them.
A restaurant in New Hampshire known as Stumble Inn Bar & Grill went into a wave of excitement after an anonymous man gave a tip of $16k when his bill was just a total of $38. This excited the owners and staff of the restaurant who were shocked by the man's generosity.
Turns out Alexa can be of more use than just telling the time or adding items to your grocery list. Seanann Logue's mom used the virtual assistant to learn how to twerk, scroll to see the hilarious outcome.
A Michigan Boat Captain made an exciting discovery during a night dive. The captain found a 95-Year-Old message embedded in a bottle and used the internet to track the writer's family.
Authorities confirmed that a police officer was recently murdered during a shooting because of his uniform and badge. Officials discussed details of what transpired during the incident during a press report.
After waiting for several years to achieve his dream of jumping out of an airplane, a 90-year-old Utah army veteran and Purple Heart recipient finally got his wish. Here is how Joseph Jaramillo got to soar above in the sky!
An early morning fire outbreak at Pottstown claimed the life of a mom, her husband, and a 14-year-old kid. A fire department deputy also got injured during the rescue, but thankfully he is recovering fine.
A 1-year-old passed away after being left alone at home in the care of his 6-year-old sibling in New York. The toddler was trapped in between a bed and wall for a while before any help came.
Peter Mutabazi ran away from his abusive home in Uganda when he was only a small boy. Fortunately, he found a father figure who took him through schools. He pays it forward by adopting Tony, who was abandoned by his adopted parents in a hospital
A woman checks her bank balance after a night out, afraid that she'd spent too much, and is shocked to find that she has close to 50 billion dollars in debt. She, however, resolved the issue with her bank and is no longer in debt.
The FBI San Francisco Zoo shared on Twitter that Cory John McGilloway was charged for the theft of Maki, a 21-year-old lemur, who was taken from the San Francisco Zoo in October 2020.
A young college baseball player has lost his life following the medical procedure which he underwent for a Tommy JO’s surgery. The youngster was mourned by his university community and family.
Justin Wallace was a preteen boy who was to graduate into middle school, but that dream would never be actualized. Justin's life was cut short during a domestic issue that quickly aggravated.
For a family in Tullibody, Scotland, it was nothing short of a double celebration over the weekend when their mother and daughter both graduated from the same university on the same day.
An Air Force veteran Billy Deatherage has been thrown into mourning a few days after his wedding. Billy's new wife and fellow Air Force veteran, Lauri Deatherage, was fatally shot at her home in Robbinsdale.
A nine-month-old baby lost its life after drowning in a home bathtub on Father's Day, June 20, 2021, despite family members and rescue personnel attempting all resuscitation efforts.
Eyewitness News reported that Gosiame Sithole was detained by medical officials under the South African Mental Healthcare Act, where allows authorities to hold a person for at least 72 hours for a psychiatric evaluation.
Dennis Snider, a 9/11 firefighter, did not let his rare form of ALS prevent him from having a wonderful time at his daughter's wedding as the dad-daughter duo danced to the song "Sweet Child Of Mine."
A video showing the moment two adults rescued a little boy from a giraffe has become a hit on social media and has gathered over 1 million views since it was shared.
An Arizona woman, Odalis Contreras, got pregnant in her Sophomore year of high school. After her baby, Angel was born she was unsure how she would complete her school. However, through hard work, she graduated this year.
A father and daughter who were separated for a long time reconnected on the eve of father's day. After 40 years of dissociation, a Story City businesswoman, Cande Coulter found a way to reunite with her father Dan Bowers.
Two children, Carter Baker, 9, and his 7-year-old brother, Grant Baker, were found safe after reports showed that their father, who shot at their mom, fled the southeast Missouri area with them.
Do not worry, though. With this article, we will help you decide on the right vehicle for your needs. The car that suits your personality will be suggested to you based on your zodiac sign.
A man captured the moment his dog curled up with his two chickens after the adorable puppy did not want to sleep alone in her bed, as shown in a now-viral video.
Music can be described as a pleasant symphony of sounds. There are various genres of music that stimulate the soul. However, for Thomas Leeds, one song was able to bring back his memories.
A young lady from California is making headlines for her heartwarming tribute to her parents. Jennifer Rocha, a student of UC San Diego, marked her graduation from the university with touching photos about her upbringing.
An artist named Ertan Atay has gone viral on social media for his impressive artworks. His work fuses the famous paintings by historical artists with some popular culture elements.
A mother of three, Becky Taylor, received a letter, from Orbitas Bereavement Services, to inform her that she needed to shorten her baby's grave as it was encroaching on other graves.
Today's #Riddleoftheday is centered around budding inventors and their innovative products. However, this brain teaser is not as easy as it looks. Keep reading to test your mental capabilities.
An alleged carjacker returned a toddler back to her mother after realizing the girl was in the car he is accused of stealing. The child was unharmed after being returned to her mom.
A woman who had purchased secondhand nightstands had a strange recollection of the past. She posted about her experience on TikTok, which has since gone viral.
This highly intelligent dog has figured out how to communicate through sound buttons, now being able to ask her owners to go for walks and even tell them, "I love you."
A lifestyle influencer on social media had quite a viral moment after she deciphered a simple hack to the end of rusty surfaces. She was able to pull this off with an everyday item.
A 4 months old puppy Bruce was taken to the vet after he fell sick. After undergoing tests, the puppy was diagnosed with Parvo, a deadly virus that affects dogs. The cost for treatments was about $700, and the dog owner could not afford it.
Recently, a young woman identified as Elizabeth M. Durkee, 36, was arrested on four charges connected to the death of an older adult. The Wisconsin Department of Justice and other emergency organizations proceeded with investigations after being alerted of the circumstances.
Authorities in India planned to reward a Pradesh citizen for the selfless attitude he displayed in saving a newborn baby. The child had been abandoned on a local river.
A 28-year-old lady died during a hike with her husband. The lady's body was found under a steamboat point after falling over 200 feet from a mountain.
A Tennessee resident was charged with homicide after trying to sell his girlfriend's car. Reports showed that the body of his girlfriend was found in the vehicle.
Parents, Gayla and Ryan Thompson shared their incredible birth story with WKRN News 2, which involve giving birth to their second son on the side of I-440 in Nashville, on their way to Vanderbilt Medical Center.
When you are bored at home or in dire need of some excitement, riddles are the best ways to achieve that stimulating experience. Today's #Riddleoftheday takes you from the comfort of your home to the beach where a crafty puzzle awaits.
A youngster from Queensland has gone viral after he shared a video of a car submerged in the pool and letting netizens know that his mom would never let him drive her car again.
A 3-day-old baby was recently sold by his biological mother to a childless couple of Hasanparthy Mandal. The baby boy was retrieved from the couple who purchased him and handed over to the government after the information came out.
A mom of a 10-month-Old boy became famous on social media after her Tiktok video went viral. The footage revealed that her little kid had made a Tesla Upgrade on her phone, which made her lose $10,000.
A member of a junior high cheer team was devastated after being mistreated by her school. The candidate with down syndrome was exempted from her Cheerleading team photo.
There are many rare but deadly diseases globally, and a good example is the story of Wesley Prosser. The young man from Santa Rosa, California, had his memory erased by an auto-immune condition.